Click on a question below to see the answer.
I already registered a domain name, now what?
On our order form you can choose "existing domain name, please transfer it". The transfer is free of charge. Depending on your domain extension it will take less then 2 hours to 7 days to transfer a domain. During the transfer you can work on your website; we will provide you a temporary address.
How do i get to the top of Google?
Maakum websites are optimized for search engines, that is a fact. The problem is that everyone wants his website at the top of the search engines!
Here are some tips to help you to get found:
- Make sure the title of the website makes sense.
- Write your text for people, not for search engines, but make sure you mention your keywords in your text.
- Try to make a page contain one subject.
- Make sure the titles of the sections contain important keywords.
- Register the site at as many search engines as you can.
- Try to get links to your site on other relevant sites. Relevance is the keyword here!
- Use Webmaster Tools
- Use the FURLS module (friendly urls)
More information about search engines and tools to register your site you can find on Google on "search engine optimization" or "SEO".
I lost my password!
At the login page of your website, click "Forgot your password?". An email will be send to you to fix it!
How do i make a link?
Select with your mouse the text under which you want to place the link.
and enter the web address in the window. (Http: // etc.)
If you want the page to open in a new window, select at Target: "Open link in a new window".
I get the error "Diskquota exceeded"
When you get to see this error it means that the available disk space on our server is exceeded, this is usually caused by a full mailbox.
Might this happen, please call us or send us an email, we will then temporarily give you some extra space so you can clean up your mailbox.
Can i change my domain name?
Yes you can! We do charge a fee though, see our prices.
Can i use Google Analytics?
Yes you can! All you need is a Google Analitycs account, the code you receive from Google you can easily place in your Maakum website at "Site settings" in the block "Search engines".
How do i configure my email?
All settings for your e-mail program (Outlook, Apple mail, etc):
POP3 account
Username: your full e-mail address
Server incoming e-mail:
Password: your e-mail password
Port: 995
SSL or TLS on
Server outgoing e-mail:
SMTP Port: 465
SSL or TLS on
If you use as your outgoing server then authentication is required with the same username/password as above.
IMAP account
Username: your full e-mail address
Server incoming e-mail:
Password: your e-mail password
Port: 993
SSL or TLS on
Server outgoing e-mail:
SMTP Port: 465
SSL or TLS on
If you use as your outgoing server then authentication is required with the same username/password as above.
You will also find these settings in the back-end section of your website under "e-mail".
How do i read my webmail?
Go to your website and type "webmail" infront of your url, so you will get
Login with your full e-mail address and e-mail password.
How do i make forwarders?
Go to "E-mail" in the back-end of your website. There you will find a big button "add forwarder".
How does the document upload module work?
The document upload module lets you place a link to a document in any text block. You can add one document per text block, for example, a Word, Excel or PDF document.
At the bottom of the text block a link will automatically appear to your uploaded file.
What is the mediatheek?
The Mediatheek library is a directory structure in which you can place your documents. Just like on your computer, but then on the internet. You can also make it accessible for visitors, with or without a password.
What is the difference between the simple- and extended members module?
In the simple members login module, there is only one password for all members. So this is a very simple way to give access to your famlie for instance to certain private pages or photos.
With the Extended Members login module everybody has his own password and login name (email address). In addition, you can require your members to fill in certain additional information, such as addresses and perhaps interests.
You can also set whether you want to receive an email when a new member has registered and set if new registered members automatically have access to the protected part of your website or not. Further, the registered members can unsubscribe, of course, automatically.
Webshop - What payment provider do you use?
Our preferred payment provider is Mollie, a Dutch company with a simple approach to providing online payments.
Sign up for a free account here.